MeowPrints Home for one stop shopping enjoy pussyfootin' around the Cat-tique -- we are pawsitive you will find the purrfect gift for yourself and all the cat lovers on your list ...because ALL cats deserve love and to be cuddled, to be warm and have a full belly...
share favorite photos of your furry friends, express your creativity thru scrapbook layouts & cards -- Pounce on over and enter the monthly photo contest join our mailing list to receive special offers, discounts and to see what's mew within the MeowPrints community where it all begins - from passion to reality - rescuing kitties the birth of our logo - meet our kitties

Visit "What's Mew" often for highlights of new arrivals and goings-on within the MeowPrints community.


The Big News!
In 2011, MeowPrints began laying the foundation to move into our bigger mission by turning our focus to rescue/adoption and education pertaining to saving and improving the lives of cats. In 2012 we continue our transition from a for-profit to a not-for-profit. Join our journey of bringing compassion to the world, one kitty at a time.

Our Mission
To better the lives of cats from all walks of life by providing education, resources and support as we connect cat lovers with feline friends in need
To educate children and adults that cats are not throwaway commodities, that they are a lifelong commitment and that all cats deserve love and to be cuddled, to be warm and have a full belly
To teach compassion toward these majestic animals.

We believe that as families experience the unconditional love and growing compassion that comes from loving a kitty, they in turn learn to show love and compassion to each other.

Pippin and Gizmo
Lil Miss
The Babies

Purrfect Savings!

MeowPrints will be undergoing an upgrade in the near future, thank you for your patience during our transition. We are very excited at the changes that are taking place as we move into our new mission. To share in our anticipation and excitement, we are having a Catoberfest Sale, now through November 1, 2012.

20% off all merchandise in-stock.

Use Coupon Code: CATOBERFEST when checking out.

Stock up on your favorites now, cause when their gone their gone!!

Fundraiser Events

All You Can Eat Pancake Breakfast
The purrfect place to be, Saturday, Jan 28th, is Applebee's in Coeur d'Alene. Enjoy an All You Can Eat Pancake Breakfast and Support MeowPrints in our efforts in developing a non-profit cat rescue/adoption/education facility in the Coeur d'Alene/Post Falls area.

Your support will make a difference in the life of a cat!

Applebee's is located at 280 W. Hanley Ave, Coeur d'Alene

Breakfast will be served from 8am to 10am

Tickets are $7 per person (cash or check) and may be purchased in advance or at the door

For info call MeowPrints 208-771-4141

If you aren't local, or cannot attend, you can still support this cause by going to our donate page and gift what is comfortable for you and believe what will make a difference.

...because all cats deserve love and to be cuddled, to be warm and have a full belly...