About our logo…
The 2 cats on our logo are actually my kitties. The Siamese looking one is Kodiak (he is actually a Mitted Seal Point Ragdoll) and the black and white one is Jada. I have to share a little about them and why this logo is so special. Jada was killed in January of this year (2004). He was my baby and his death was very hard for me. Kodiak came to live with us in June, 2004.
A friend had to find new homes for him and his sister. I took Kodiak. He is a yr and a half old and so precious. He has a lot of Jada's qualities and quirks. I sometimes think Jada is telling him things. lol I sent copies of photos of them to Michelle, at Treasured Pages, and she captured both kitties purrfectly on my logo and has made it extra special.
We now have 5 adult fur babies and 3 kittens that were left on my porch one morning. Of course, each one is special and each has their own personality.
Kayla is our oldest. She is 10yrs old and is a tortoise shell calico. We went to buy groceries one day and came home with a kitten. My husband picked her out of the litter, in front of the store, and now he is her favorite person. She loves to lie on his lap, and as soon as he gets home in the evening, she greets him with a little dainty meow. She is definitely all girl; very dainty and prissy.
Tiko came to live with us when he was about 8 months old. He is a Siamese Tabby and has the bluest eyes I've ever seen in a cat. You just get lost in them like a deep blue pond of water. He is very macho and ornery. He keeps the other kitties on their toes. He loves to be in your lap and is a big kitty so when he is sleeping on you, you definitely know it.
Boo was brought home by my daughters when he was just a baby. He was so little he could fit in the palm of my hand. Now, 5 yrs later, he is a moose. Pure black, he is the purrfect Halloween kitty, right down to the curve at the top of his tail. He is very vocal and when scolded "talks" back to you. He is another big kitty, you would never guess he was such a small kitten.
Jagger is a 4yr old tabby, with a white underbelly. He was Jada's brother. We brought them both home from a friend's house when they were just kittens. They were inseparable. They cleaned each other and slept together. Jagger is my daughters' kitty and loves to be in her lap. He has adjusted to not having his brother around by getting closer to her.
When she was gone for the summer he didn't quite know what to do. He was definitely purrturbed at her when she got home and he let her know all about it by ignoring her for quite some time.
Kodiak is my baby. As I stated above, he is a Ragdoll. At 1 ½ yrs old, he is still a kitten at heart. We named him Kodiak cause he stands up on his hind legs when he is playing, with his paws up, and looks just like a bear. He is very talkative, which is not a characteristic of Ragdolls at all. His fur is very soft and he is so fluffy. We call him Mr. Mom right now cause he has adopted the 3 baby kittens that were dropped off at our house. He cleans them and "mothers" them just like a momma cat. Read Kodiak's blog at Cat Tales - Unleashed and share his adventures.
Our sweet little orphan kitties were dropped off on our porch one day. They were sooo tiny. They weighed only 4, 5 and 6 ounces. We have 2 little grey tabbies, which we call Gizmo - Gizzy is his nickname - and Pippin'.They are both males and rough & tumbly.
The little girl is black and white and very dainty. We call her Lil Miss. She has the sweetest little purr-meow combo that my daughter says sounds like she is cooing. They love to run through the house and play with Kodiak. They play leap frog with each other and tumble and play til they wear themselves out. Then you can find them all curled up together taking a little catnap to get energized for the next round of fun. They now weigh about 3.2 pounds each and are healthy little "piggies".
Jada was my sweet baby. I miss him a lot. He had the softest fur, like rabbits fur. When he sat behind you on the couch he had to be touching you and eventually he would end up lying on your shoulders or the back of your neck. If you were lying on your side, he had to climb up on you and sprawl out on your side. He was a pack rat and loved to carry off your socks. When he was just a kitten, he would pick up the rolled up socks, which were too big for him, and waddle off with them. He also didn't like to be alone, he would come into whichever room you were in. Kodiak has quite a few of his little antics, which makes him very special to me. I know Jada is talking to Kodiak and sharing his quirks to keep us all guessing down here.